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-- 作者:admin -- 发布时间:2012/8/29 9:31:00 -- 格拉斯小镇-楼书----陶老师译
LV、PRADA、GUCCI国际一线大牌总部悄然进驻; 加拿大人、法国人、比利时人与德国人…… 这里的镜头与传统的北京相比,总是特别抢镜。 这里,最高建筑不超过200米,却是使馆区的新高度…… LV、PRADA、GUCCI world leading conglomerate headquarters settled in ; Canadian, French, Belgian and German gather here…… The exotic eco-scene here is distinct from traditional Beijing Landscape, The building up to 200 meters in height is the new landmarks in district. |
-- 作者:admin -- 发布时间:2012/8/29 9:31:44 -- 将Patek Philippe 留给国贸,将百达翡丽留给国贸,将时间带回格拉斯 Bring about Patek Philippe Enduring brand effect and rebuild Grasse Town in close proximity to China World Trade Center 国贸东,仅25公里 25 Kilometers east of China World Trade Center 从国贸驶来,一路畅通的京通高速,30分钟,国贸与格拉斯小镇的距离,当CBD的霓虹还未暗淡,这里已经看到格拉斯的星光。城市的繁华与自然切换的如此迅速。 格拉斯小镇将有6条快速道路与外界连通,机场路、京平路、京通路、李天路、壁富路以及第二条机场高速路。距离机场和老中央别墅区不到10公里,距CBD和燕莎大约20公里左右,这里没有三环的拥堵,却有三环的畅通。伴随东五环一线,第四使馆区的规划、国门商务区的建设,区域发展潜力巨大。 Grass Town is only a 30 minute drive away from China World Trade Center along Beijing-Tongzhou Highway. When hectic CBD is bathed in neon light, residents here are enjoying rustic life under a canopy of stars. There are six throughways such as Airport Highway, Beijing-Pinggu Highway, Beijing-Tongzhou Road, Litian Road, Bifu Road and The Second Airport Highway leading to outside world and Grass Town is only a 10 kilometer drive away from Beijing Capital Airport and old Central Villa District and a 20 kilometer away from CBD and Yansha Youyi Shopping City. Without congestion in 3rd Ring Road and with the planning of East 5th Ring Road Line 1 and The 4th Embassy District and the construction of Jianguomen Business District, Grass Town has great potential for regional development. 无论是燕莎、三里屯,使馆区带来的,不仅仅是国际化地标的符号,国际化的生活方式,更是区域发展的最大信心。 For Yanshan Youyi Shopping City, Sanlitun Village and Embassy District, Grass Town symbolizes an international landmark and signifies international lifestyle and confidence about regional development. Rare 300 mu (1mu=0.667 hectare) natural web-land in embassy district 与法国格拉斯一样,北京格拉斯也是一个地貌环境非常优良的小镇。她西侧紧邻北京“母亲河”温榆河,北京唯一四季流淌的河流,水面阔达,所流经区域素来以优美环境与清新空气而闻名。顺温榆河边的林荫路走,树木葱葱,河水清澈。为保护水、土壤、森林、湿地等自然资源,维持生态健康和美学特征,鲁能·格拉斯小镇规划之初,即保留了300亩原生湿地与原生树。在格拉斯小镇,不仅有室内恒温,室外更是四季湿润。同时湿地带来大量罕有的飞禽水鸟及各类生物,让小镇变成了天然的动植物博物馆。这里白鹭、鹭鸶、黄雀等自由翱翔……与百鸟共享朝霞云空,居者在这里感觉到真正的舒畅与舒展。 Bearing a resemblance to French Grass Town, Beijing Grass Town is a beautiful town, which abuts on “Wenyu River”, the mother river of Beijing and the sole widen river flowing through beautiful and non-polluted regions in four seasons in Beijing and verdant trees border the river. To preserved natural resources such as water, soil, forest and wetland here, Luneng. Grass Town reserved 300 mu natural wetland and trees at the beginning of planning. Residences here have constant temperature indoors and blend perfectly in moist outdoor environment in four seasons and the wetland attracts lots of rare fowls and creatures, creating a natural flora and fauna museum where egret bittern and vertin flying in the sky and residents share rosy dawn and the sky with birds and relax and enjoy life. [此贴子已经被作者于2012-8-29 10:04:27编辑过]
-- 作者:admin -- 发布时间:2012/8/29 9:45:21 -- 3公里静静的法国香岸 3-kilometer-long idyllic river bank 在格拉斯小镇内部,有一条3公里的老河湾从内部蜿蜒穿过,河湾最宽处可达80米,两岸别墅沿河错落分布。这在水资源缺乏的京城极为稀贵,你一定想不到,这条河流未经过任何天然雕饰,完全按照地脉自然形成,它在这里静静流淌了多少年没人知道,但当它流经了您的门前,在北京才有了坐标。缓缓流淌的老河湾,流出了独栋的味道,留住了春秋;流出了生活真谛,留住了人生。就在格拉斯小镇,在两岸犒赏人生。 There is a 3-kilometer-long river winding its way through Grass Town with the widest part measures 80 meters and villas stand on the riverbanks. It is a rare rural scene due to water scarcity in Beijing City. This is a natural river flowing for ages and serves as a landmark in Beijing City, imparting a detached residence flavor, stirring up memory, interpreting the true life meaning and adding glamour to life. Yachting, boating, fishing and skating… The elite lifestyle at the bay 哪怕只是一艘小小的私人游艇,只要驶离港口,那就是一座海上行宫,游艇主人拥有国王般的权力,自由地驾驭独属自己的奢华世界。在休闲娱乐的同时,融进了对玩伴社会身份的选择和认同。 Residents here have a privilege to curries on their private yachts to enjoy their lavish lifestyle and showcase their superior status. 在鲁能·格拉斯小镇,3公里长、宽百米的老河湾天然水系蕴育出迷人的生活情调,成为令贵族精英向往的国际河岸生活区。夏季的午后,您可以在这里驾着停泊在家门口的私人游艇,沿着蜿蜒狭长的河畔行驶,或与朋友一起泛舟,垂钓……在这里,慢慢享受生活的乐趣…… In Luneng. Grass Town, 3-kilometer-long natural watercourse exudes charm and Grass Town is an international residential area on the riverbanks. At noon in summer, you can sail your private yacht moored in front of gate, cruising along narrow meandering riverside, or choose to go boating or fishing together with friends, enjoying life to the full. |
-- 作者:admin -- 发布时间:2012/8/29 9:52:32 -- 法国诗人阿波利奈尔的咏叹,让她成为法国最浪漫的所在 今天,在鲁能·格拉斯,她连接着老河湾两岸美丽的风景 更成为这里最动人的故事之一 伫立桥上,感受微风轻轻拂过 眺望河上或两岸风景,也许更是观察这座小镇最浪漫的角度 As the Seine River flows under the Mirabeau Bridge, Poetry composed by French poet Apollinaire makes it the most romantic place in the world, Nowadays, Luneng. Grass Town which blending in perfectly with beautiful landscape on the riverbank, creates an idyllic world. Standing on the bridge, residents will feel drifting breeze, admire picturesque scenery on the river and riverbanks, or witness the most romantic love story in the town.
Featuring seven-layer landscape, peace reigns the bay, 却藏不住法南的花香and floral fragrance fills Grass Town
在法国格拉斯,那里种植了大量的鲜花,用来作为香水的原料,小镇里永远弥漫着花香。就这点已经十分迷人了,法国的蔚蓝海岸、阳光、沙滩,加上它的古老的市镇街道、建筑、博物馆,形成了一种很特殊的氛围,每一个时刻的格拉斯都有令人动容的景致。 In French Grasse Town, there are flowers everywhere planting for perfume and floral fragrance fills Grasse Town, lending glamour to the town. Additionally, azure coastline, brilliant sunshine, lovely beach and ancient lane, buildings and museums create a distinctive aura and constitute a poetic landscape. 鲁能·格拉斯小镇园林,撷取法国格拉斯小镇规划之精髓,从原汁原味的法国小镇文化与风情,到散发着的南部法国芳香,与社区内老河湾24万平米宽阔水域、以及多种运动休闲设施。在规划上不断丰富空间,较好地协调了居住、休闲、娱乐、商务办公等一系列功能需求,更凭藉7重绿地系统,令每个居住在这里的人,均从步出庭院就宛如置身于一个优美的公园之中。 Luneng. Grass Town emulates the architectural style and landscape planning of French Grasse Town and takes on a distinctly southern French flavor. By emulating authentic culture and architecture of French town, taking advantage of wide watercourse covering an area of 240,000 square meters and equipping with a variety of sports and leisure facilities, it makes the most use of space and integrates residence, amenities and office. Additionally, seven-layer landscape creates a picturesque park setting. P34-35
24万平米河湾水域 Bay watercourse covering 240,000 Square meters flows through French Riviera in Nice, France 尼斯,被称作法国南部的“蔚蓝海岸”。3.5公里“天使大道”栽满迎风棕榈,海滨宽阔的沙滩,灿烂的阳光穿透地中海透明的波涛,那感觉令人无法忘怀。 Nice is renowned as French Riviera and windward palms border 3.5-kilometer Promenade des Anglais. Visitors have a good memory for wide sandy beach and clear wave sparking in brilliant sunshine. 今天,鲁能·格拉斯,将这种旖旎风光带入这里的社区生活。在老河湾24万平米宽阔水域旁,通过现有高差引入人工无边际镜明水体,结合户外沙滩,将自然资源与人造景观完美融合。在无人打扰的沙滩,让阳光洒满全身,人们的心总是像这里的河湾一样平和恬静。而河水悠悠,树木繁茂,花香扑鼻,是只有在这里才会看到的风景。 The picturesque landscape reappears in Luneng. Grass Town, where clear water is diverted from boundless manmade water body to watercourse covering 240,000 square meters. Coupled with outdoor beach, it perfectly blends natural resources with manmade landscape. Basked in sunshine on peaceful beach, residents will find peace when viewing slowly flowing river and shady trees and smelling floral fragrance there. |
-- 作者:admin -- 发布时间:2012/8/29 9:56:46 -- 老河湾上的米拉波桥 Mirabeau Bridge on the old bay 为继承法国优雅与浪漫生活方式,在米拉波桥东侧的滨水区,特设亲水平台,人们在此领略天蓝水清、绿树成荫、鱼虾畅游、飞鸟盘旋之河道生态景观。别墅一侧更设置木栈桥、木平台、码头等,在观赏绿意盎然水岸植被时更可倾听河水潺潺的美妙声响,体验视听双重美感。而在老河湾米拉波桥西侧,植物造型多样,形成林缘、林冠及色彩的丰富变化。起伏开阔的草坪,自然曲折的河岸,成片成丛的自然生长树木等串联丰富的空间变化,于对岸或是于桥上观赏时,成为不经意定格的一幅风景印象画。 To emulate elegant and romantic lifestyle prevalent in France, a water platform is built in waterfront to the east of Mirabeau Bridge, where residents can admire river course eco-landscape of blue sky, clear water, verdant trees, swimming fish and pawn and hovering birds. Additionally, a wooden trestle, wooden platform and a pier are constructed on one side of villas and residents can admire green waterfront vegetation and listen to gurgling river there. To the east of Mirabeau Bridge on the old bay, it is noted for a variety of plant patterns featuring forest edge, canopy and rich color. When viewing from the opposite bank or on the bridge, open undulating lawn, tortuous river banks and lush vegetation makes the most use of space and constitute a scenic impression painting.
P36-37 培养一名专业的“鼻子”①,需要六年 It usually takes six years to train a professional “nose” 一座拥有格拉斯味道的花园,至少需要六种花香 While a garden in Grass Town is filled with at least of six pleasant fragrances 法国格拉斯小镇,世界香水之都,被称作“上帝亲吻过的地方”。格拉斯地区的花卉种类很多,有本地土生土长的花,如玫瑰、茉莉、薰衣草等,也有外国香料植物。基本上四季都可以看到鲜花开放;冬季圣诞节后,来自澳洲的黄绒花(mimosa,含羞草类)将格拉斯及整个蓝色海岸染成金黄色;春季,染料木的黄花取代黄绒花;夏季,田中是紫色的薰衣草;5、6月份是玫瑰的季节,7-9月茉莉盛开。此外,还有晚香玉、柠檬、柑橘、薄荷、紫罗兰…… French Grass Town is reputed to be the perfume capital in the world and God kissed place and abounds in flowers including native flowers such as rose, jasmine and lavender and exotic spice plants. Flowers blossom in four seasons. After Christmas in winter, mimosa from Australia colors Grass Town and French Riviera golden; in summer, yellow flowers of dyewood succeeds mimosa; in spring, purple lavender sways in the garden. Rose is in full blossom in May and June and jasmine gives off fresh perfume from July to September. Additionly, tuburose,lemon, citrus, mint and violet vie with each other for beauty… 在北京的格拉斯,清爽茉莉香、热烈玫瑰花香、浓烈丁香花香、温暖松木香、清新鼠尾草香、悠扬莲花香,这六种香氛,构成了格拉斯独有的味道。此外,更有以季节规划的“花开散步道”:春季为樱花、海棠、丁香的世界;夏季以国槐、紫薇花为主题;秋天,金黄的法国梧桐,安静的氛围,与小镇静谧、悠闲的气质十分吻合。 Fresh jasmine fragrance, sweet rose fragrance, rich rose fragrance, pleasant pine fragrance, refreshing sage fragrance and exquisite lotus fragrance fill Beijing Grass Town and create a distinctive aura of Grass Town. It is worth mentioning that flower walkway planning in the light of the rhythm of the seasons. In spring, it is a floral world of cherry, caval vine and clove; in summer, Chinese scholar tree and crape myrtle grow happily; in autumn, golden chinar creates an idyllic setting and enhances the serene and leisurely flavor of Grass Town. ———— ①【鼻子】:在法国南部,对调香师的代称。 ①【Nose】:Refers to perfumers in south France. P51-52(查姆小院)Charme Countyard |
-- 作者:admin -- 发布时间:2012/8/29 10:03:55 -- 百叶窗打开,看见青翠的山谷,错落的红瓦屋顶,牙黄色的石墙…… 那些彩色的建筑就那样高高低低地散落在山坡上,阳光中, 山坡上的葡萄园,还有各种做香水原料的花卉,满山遍野…… When opening the shutter, residents will catch sight of verdant mount, red tile roofs and yellow stone wall, Colorful buildings scatter on the hillside. In the sunshine, The exquisite balcony is equipped with safety rails, a vineyard stands on the hillside, and various spice flowers blossom everywhere… 今天,鲁能地产 Nowadays, Luneneg Property, derives inspiration from intimate Charme Hotel in Grasse Town, South France, and builds Charme Courtyard in blue lavender garden. ①【查姆小院】为鲁能地产打造的格拉斯旅游主题独栋。 ①【Charme Countyard】refers to tourist theme detached buildings in Grass Town Erected by Luneng Property
『生活的国际味道』International Lifestyle
好像在加勒比海晒太阳 法式餐厅里,邂逅两年前在巴黎的味道
In a cafe in Grass Town, residents drink authentic Blue Mountain Coffee from Jamaica, evoking the feeling of enjoying sunshine on Caribbean coast. In a French restaurant, they revive the memory of tour around Paris two year ago, and they blot out the memory smelling exotic perfume in the air
P59-60(周边配套)Surrounding Amenities
这里是北京最静谧的别墅群落 也有北京最开放的国际生活 The most tranquil villa clusters set the fashion trends of international lifestyle in Beijing City 在国贸您是CEO、董事长、总经理,但在格拉斯小镇,骑术可以决定你的远见,高尔夫洞测谋略,国际休闲运动,不仅是涵养身心,更是一种心照不宣的生活方式,在这里的俱乐部里聊聊雪茄,顺带巴菲特,一切都是水到渠成,相近的资本、相似的品味,在这里有了最自然的交流。在这里有在香港皇家马会的经历,也有原石滩第7洞的邂逅,至于丘吉尔的雪茄和拜伦的才情,都不期而遇。 Here, residents serving as CEO, a board chairman or general manager in working units China World Trade Center enjoy an opportunity to showcase consummate equestrian and golf skills in Grass Town. It is well-known that international leisurely sports signify a fashion lifestyle to look after health and relax body and mind. In the club, they may choose to chat about cigar and Buffett and similar status and taste contribute to friendly communication. Additionally, they have a chance to gain the experience of joining the Hong Kong Jockey Club, playing a 7-hole round on the Pebble Beach, smoking Churchill’s cigar and reciting Byron’s great poems…
英国、法国……还有北京的骑士都来了Knights from Britain, France and Beijing Gather Here 在这条安静的路上,会看到悠闲的马在悠闲的走来走去,雍容的神态,会让您误认为来到了英国乡村牧场,这是格林马会,作为京城乃至中国最著名的马会之一,格林马会的入会标准是极其严格的,而它就在格拉斯小镇1公里外。在英国,马术被公认为第一贵族运动,精湛的骑术暗示着出身。作为贵族运动的拥趸者,拥有上百条具有欧洲纯血血统的宝马的格林马会,占地有300亩之大,更配备了国际精英马会的顶级配置,在这里放牧身心的大多为城市领袖以及社会名流,是京城最具贵族血统的交际圈。 Horses trot along the quiet road leisurely and evoke the memory of British country ranch. There, the most famous Beijing Green Equestrian Club renowned for strict admission standards lies only 1 kilometer away from Grass Town. In Britain, horsemanship is hailed as a kind of popular aristocratic sports and consummate equestrian skills signify high status. As a follower of aristocratic sports, Beijing Green Equestrian Club breeds over a hundred fine horses of European pure blood, covers a total area of 300 mu and is equipped with first-class facilities of international elite jockey club. Most of club members are city leaders and celebrities and the club is reputed to be a most well-known aristocratic circle. |