A study of the nation's best-loved sounds found that Brits love nothing more than the noise of the sea - which topped the list of fifty. 一项有关全国人民最爱声音的调查发现,英国人最爱大海的声音,美妙的海浪声排在了50个最爱声音的榜首。 The sound of rain against the windows - if you are on the inside - something Brits have had plenty of chance to enjoy over the recent wash-out summer, came second. 在屋里听到的雨点敲打窗子的声音排在了第二,这可是英国人在夏天雨季有大把机会能享受到的声音。 Fireworks, children laughing and bacon sizzling are also sounds brits found pleasing to the ears, according to the study of 2,000 people. 这份2000人参与调查还发现,发现烟火的声音,小孩的笑声,煎培根滋滋作响的声音都是英国人爱的声音。 TOP 10 MOST LOVED SOUNDS 10大最受欢迎的声音 1.Waves against rocks 1.拍打岩石的声音 2.Rain against the windows 2.雨点击打窗子的声音 3.Treading on snow 3.踏雪的声音 4.Baby laughing 4.婴儿的笑声 5.Birds chirping 5.小鸟叽叽的叫声 6.Crackling open fire 6.明火的爆裂声 7.People laughing 7.人群的笑声 8.Leaves crunching beneath your feet 8.脚步踏在枯叶上的声音 9.Cat purring 9.呜呜的猫叫声 10.Church bells in the distance 10.远处教堂的钟声