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中印推动建立更紧密防务联系  发贴心情 Post By:2012/9/6 12:27:43

China and India unveiled plans to resume joint military exercises, a gesture aimed at strengthening defense ties but that experts say will do little to resolve long-standing territorial disputes. 中国和印度宣布了恢复联合军演的计划,此举旨在加强两国的防务联系,但一些专家说,这对解决两国长期存在的领土争议帮助不大。
In a statement Tuesday, India's Ministry of Defense said joint military exercises would resume 'at the earliest.' The announcement was made after Indian Defense Minister A.K. Antony met his Chinese counterpart, General Liang Guanglie, in New Delhi. This is the first time the two countries have agreed to hold joint military exercises since 2008. Prakash Singh/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images印度国防部长安东尼与中国国防部长梁光烈在新德里。印度国防部长在周二的一份声明中说,联合军演将尽早恢复。在宣布这一消息之前,印度国防部长安东尼(A.K. Antony)在新德里会见了中国国防部长梁光烈。这是自2008年以来两国首次同意举行联合军事演习。
Mr. Antony earlier said resuming joint military exercises was a way of 'fostering mutual confidence and goodwill.' And that's all the announcement will likely to boil down to, some say. 'I really don't think there is great military value to this,' says Bharat Karnad, a security expert at New Delhi's Center for Policy Research. 'The fact of the matter is that most of the exercises we do with the Chinese are of a very, very basic kind, they don't reveal any secrets,' he adds. 安东尼早些时候说,恢复联合军事演习是两国培育互信和友善的一种方式。有人说,两国恢复军演的意义归根结底可能也仅限于此。新德里政策研究中心(Center for Policy Research)的安全专家卡纳德(Bharat Karnad)说:我真的不认为这会带来很大的军事价值。他补充说:事实上,我们与中国进行的大多数军事演习都是非常非常基本的,不会泄露双方的任何秘密。
While the announcement shows that both sides on the surface, at least want closer defense ties, bilateral relations remain frosty. 尽管这个举动显示出双方至少在表面上都希望使防务联系更加紧密,但中印双边关系仍然十分冷淡。
For one, India is irked by China's infrastructure development in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir. In a letter to Parliament Monday, Mr. Antony said the 'government has conveyed its concerns to China about their activities in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and asked them to cease such activities.' 例如,印度对于中国在巴基斯坦控制的克什米尔地区开发基础设施感到不满。安东尼在周一致国会的信中说,政府已经向中方表达了对其在巴基斯坦控制的克什米尔地区活动的关切,要求其停止此类活动。
These projects, which include road building, are ostensibly civilian, but India is worried they could be put to military use, facilitating the movement of troops to the border with India. 包括修路在内的这些项目表面上是民用项目,但是印度担心这些项目会被用于军事用途,有利于军队向印度边境移动。
China, for its part, says it does not have a military presence in the area. In a written interview published Tuesday in the Hindu, Gen. Liang said the Chinese army 'has never deployed a single soldier in the Pakistan-controlled Kashmir.' 中国方面称,中国在该地区没有军事存在。梁光烈在周二发表在《印度教徒报》(the Hindu)的一份书面采访中说,中国军队从没有在巴基斯坦控制的克什米尔地区部署过一名士兵。
He reiterated China’s position that it “firmly supports India and Pakistan to properly solve their disputes through dialogue and cooperation.” 梁光烈重申了中国的立场,即中国坚定支持印巴能够通过对话和合作,妥善解决他们的纠纷。
But China has a long history of involvement in the Kashmir dispute. India has challenged China’s control of tens of thousands of square kilometers of land bordering its state of Jammu and Kashmir since 1962, when the two countries fought a border war, which Beijing won. 但中国曾有过介入克什米尔争端的历史。印度一直对中国自1962年以来控制着同印度查谟-克什米尔邦(Jammu and Kashmir)接壤的数万平方公里土地的做法提出质疑。中印两国曾在1962年爆发边境战争,最后中国获胜。
On top of this, India says China is illegally administering around 5,200 kilometers of land that Islamabad ceded to Beijing as part of a 1963 border agreement. New Delhi, which claims sovereignty over the whole of Kashmir, has refused to recognize that agreement. 除此之外,印度称中国非法管理着长约5,200公里的土地。巴基斯坦在1963年中巴双方签署的边境协定中将这部分土地确认为中国领土。声称对整个克什米尔地区拥有主权的印度拒绝承认这份协议。
Technically, the border agreement is not final, as it allows room for renegotiating the border “after the settlement of the Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India.” This is unlikely to happen any time soon. 从技术上讲,中巴边界协定并非终局裁定,因为这份协议规定在印巴克什米尔争端解决后,边境问题存在重新谈判的空间。不过短期内这种情况不可能发生。
Other sensitive areas include the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, which China claims as its own, referring to it as south Tibet. 其它敏感地区包括印度阿鲁纳恰尔邦(Arunachal Pradesh),中国称该邦属中国领土,认为其属于藏南地区。
Over the past two decades, talks to settle disagreements over the 4,000-kilometer contested India-China border have made little progress. And this looks unlikely to change with the announcement both sides are committed to closer defense cooperation. 在过去20年中,中印双方就边境地区长约4,000公里争议土地归属问题举行的谈判没有取得什么进展。虽然此次两国宣布致力于更紧密的防务合作,但上述情形看来不太可能改变。
“I don’t think we’re anywhere near close to a solution” on these disputed areas, says Mr. Karnad of the Center for Policy Research, arguing that both sides appear happy to keep border differences on the backburner. This is partly because their priority is to deepen economic ties “without things flaring up on the border,” argues Mr. Karnad. 卡纳德说,我不认为双方在领土争议问题上接近达成解决方案。他认为中印两国看上去都乐于暂时搁置领土争议。卡纳德说,部分原因在于双方的首要任务是在边境地区不突然爆发争端的前提下加强经贸联系。
The ministry’s statement included a passing reference to the contested boundaries, saying Mr. Antony and Gen. Liang agreed to strengthen cooperation between border troops, “so as to enhance and maintain peace and tranquility in the India-China border areas.” 印度国防部的声明也点到了边界领土争议问题。声明说安东尼和梁光烈同意加强双方边境部队之间的合作,以便加强和维持中印边境地区的和平与安宁。
Several mechanisms are already in place to prevent tensions in these areas from escalating into a military confrontation.

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