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奥巴马:一听米歇尔演讲他就想哭  发贴心情 Post By:2012/9/11 10:55:33

US President Barack Obama tells a Virginia campaign crowd that he will try not to let his daughters see him cry during the first lady's convention speech on Tuesday night. 美国总统贝拉克?奥巴马在弗吉尼亚州进行竞选宣传时告诉民众说,周二晚上第一夫人在大会上演讲时,他会尽量不让女儿看见自己掉泪。
Speaking to a large crowd of supporters in the military town of Norfolk, US President Barack Obama said he will spend Tuesday night at the White House, watching First Lady Michelle Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention. 在军事重镇诺福克对一大群支持者讲话时,奥巴马总统说他周二晚上会在白宫里度过,从电视上观看第一夫人米歇尔?奥巴马在民主党全国大会的演讲。
He told the crowd he hopes his daughters, Malia and Sasha, do not see him tear up during his wife's remarks. "When Michelle talks, I get a little misty," he said. 他告诉人群说,他希望他的女儿玛莉亚和萨莎不要看到他在妻子演讲时落泪。他说:“每次米歇尔演讲,我总有些泪水模糊。”
Mr Obama heads to Charlotte on Wednesday afternoon. This was his fifth campaign event in the past four days, including appearances in Iowa, Colorado and Ohio. 奥巴马周三下午出发前往夏洛特市。这是他在过去四天里的第五场竞选活动,爱荷华州、科罗拉多州和俄亥俄州都出现了奥巴马的身影。
The US President highlighted what he said were differences between him and his rival, Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. 美国总统强调说,他所讲的是他和竞争对手共和党总统候选人米特?罗姆尼之间的差别。
"Now, the other side may not be eager to talk about their ideas, but on Thursday night I look forward to sharing mine with you," Mr Obama said. 奥巴马说:“现在那一头也许并不急于谈论自己的想法,但周四晚上我很期待与你分享我的所思所想。”
"I will offer what I consider a better path forward, a path to create good jobs and strengthen the middle-class and grow our economy. The good news, Virginia, is that in just two months you get to choose which path we take," he said. 他说:“我会指出我心中更好的一条路,能创造好工作、壮大中产阶级力量和促进经济增长的一条路。弗吉尼亚州的人们,好消息是两个月后你们就能选择我们要走的路。”
(Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) 相关阅读

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