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环保行业--中译英--陶老师  发贴心情 Post By:2012/11/13 10:57:40


第二篇 行业篇

                        Chapter Ⅱ Industries

1   行业节能减排概述

1. Overview of Industrial Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction

1.1      行业节能减排总结

     1.1Summary of Industrial Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction 

1.1.1            行业能源消耗总量

  1.1.1 Total Industrial Energy Consumption

“十一五”期间,工业能源消耗总量逐年增加,由2005 年的16.87亿吨标准煤增加到2010 年的23.11 亿吨标准煤左右,占全社会总能耗的比重由2005 年的70.9%上升到2010 年的73%左右,钢铁、有色金属、建材、石化、化工和电力六大高耗能行业的能源消耗量占工业总能耗的比重由2005 年的71.3%上升到2010 年的77%左右。工业增加值占GDP 的比重由2005 年的41.8%下降至2010 年的40.2%,六大高耗能行业增加值占全部工业增加值的比重由2005 年的32.7%下降至2010 年的30.3%。


交通运输、仓储和邮政业能源消耗总量由2005年的0.34亿吨标准煤增加到2010年的2.6亿吨标准煤。其中,2011年国家铁路能源消耗折算标准煤1772.5万吨,比上年增加35.2万吨、增长2.0 %。

In the 11th Five-year Plan Period, total industrial energy consumption increased year by year from 1.687 billion tons of coal equivalent in 2005 to appropriately 2.311 billion tons of coal equivalent in 2010 and rose from 70.9% in 2005 to 73% in 2010 as a proportion of total social energy consumption. Among it, the energy consumption in six high energy-consuming industries such as iron and steel, non-ferrous metal, building materials, petrochemical engineering and electricity grew from 71.3% in 2005 to 77% in 2010 as a proportion of total industrial energy consumption. On the contrary, industrial added value decreased from 41.8% in 2005 to 40.2% in 2010 as a proportion of GDP and the added value of six high energy-consuming industries declined from 32.7% in 2005 to 30.3% in 2010 as a proportion of total industrial added value.

The total energy consumption of the building industry rose from 34 million tons of coal equivalent in 2005 to 62 million tons of coal equivalent in 2010.

The total energy consumption of the transport and communication industry, the warehousing industry and postal industry increased from 34 million tons of coal equivalent in 2005 to 260 million tons of coal equivalent in 2010. Among it, national railway energy consumption was equivalent to 17.725 million tons of coal in 2011, an increase of 352,000 tons by 2.0% over the previous year.

[此贴子已经被作者于2012-11-13 11:01:35编辑过]

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  发贴心情 Post By:2012/11/13 10:58:40


1.1.2    行业单位能耗

1.1.2  Energy Consumption Per unit Industrial Value-added Output  

单位工业增加值能耗大幅下降。全国规模以上万元工业增加值能耗由2005 年的2.59 吨标准煤下降至2010 年的1.91 吨标准煤,5 年累计下降26%,实现节能量6.3 亿吨标准煤,以年均8.1%的能耗增长支撑了年均14.9%的工业增长。重点行业和主要用能产品单耗持续降低。2010 年同2005 年相比,钢铁、有色金属、石化和化工、建材等重点用能行业增加值能耗分别下降23.4%、15.1%、35.8%、37.9%,吨钢、铜冶炼、吨水泥综合能耗分别下降12.1%、35.9%、28.6%。

It is learned that energy consumption per unit industrial value-added output declined dramatically. The energy consumption per 10,000 yuan (1,587 U.S. dollars) industrial value-added output of enterprises above designated scale fell from 2.59 tons of coal equivalent in 2005 to 1.91 tons of coal equivalent in 2010, a cumulative decrease of 28% in five years. Consequently, it saved the equivalent of 630 million tons of coal and achieved 14.9% of average annual industrial growth while it experienced an 8.1% increase in energy consumption. Additionally, the energy consumption per 10,000 yuan (1,587 U.S. dollars) of industrial value-added output of important industries and major energy-consuming products continued to decline. From 2005 to 2010, important energy-consuming industrials such as Iron and steel, non-ferrous metal, petrochemical engineering, chemical engineering and building materials cut down the energy consumption per 10,000 yuan (1,587 U.S. dollars) of industrial value-added output by 23.4%, 15.1%, 35.8% and 37.9% respectively and the comprehensive energy consumption of per ton steel, copper smelting and per ton cement decreased by 12.1%, 35.9% and 28.6 % respectively.



In 2011 when high energy-consuming industry was booming and energy consumption increased dramatically, the energy consumption per unit industrial value-added output of enterprises above designated scale went down by 3.49, falling short of the internal target of 4% set by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

By the end of 2011, energy consumption per unit national vehicle transport turnover,national energy consumption per unit vessel transport turnover and comprehensive energy consumption per unit national port throughout had decreased by 5%, 7% and 4% respectively over the previous year. In 2011, comprehensive energy consumption per unit national railway transport volume was 4.76 tons of coal equivalent/ million converted ton-kilometer, a decrease of 0.25 ton of coal equivalent/million converted ton-kilometer by 5.0% over the previous year. Additionally, comprehensive energy consumption per unit main business transport volume was 3.90 tons of coal equivalent/million converted ton-kilometer, a decrease of 0.22 ton of coal equivalent/million converted ton-kilometer by 5.3% over the previous year. 

[此贴子已经被作者于2012-11-13 10:59:24编辑过]

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  发贴心情 Post By:2012/11/13 10:59:55


1.1.3            淘汰落后产能

1.1.3 Eliminate Backward Facilities and Process

十一五”期间累计淘汰炼铁炼钢焦炭水泥造纸等落后产能分别为12000万吨、7200 万吨、10700 万吨、37000 万吨和1130 万吨,超额完成“十一五”计划任务。


In the 11th Five-year Plan Period, it eliminated backward facilities and process for iron smelting, steelmaking, coke, cement and papermaking with a total capacity of 120 million tons, 72 million tons, 107 tons, 370 tons and 11.3 tons respectively, overfulfilling the tasks allocated in the 11th Five-year Plan.

In 2011, 2255 enterprises in 18 industries eliminated backward facilities and process. Among them, 96 enterprises eliminated backward iron smelting facilities with a total capacity of 31.22 million tons, 58 enterprises eliminated backward steelmaking facilities with a total capacity of 27.94 million tons, 87 enterprises eliminated backward coke facilities with a total capacity of19.75 million tons, 171 enterprises eliminated backward ferroalloy facilities with a total capacity of 2.11 million tons, 48 enterprises eliminated backward carbide facilities with a total capacity of 1.529 million tons, 22 enterprises eliminated backward electrolytic aluminum facilities with a total capacity of 619,000 tons , 24 enterprises eliminated backward copper smelting facilities with a total capacity of 425,000 tons , 38 enterprises eliminated backward lead smelting facilities with a total capacity of 661,000 tons, 32 enterprises eliminated backward zinc smelting facilities with a total capacity of 338,000 tons, 782 enterprises eliminated backward cement facilities with a total capacity of 153.27 million tons, 45 enterprises eliminated  backward facilities with a total capacity of 29.407 million weight cases of plate glass, 599 enterprises eliminated backward papermaking facilities with a total capacity of 8.196 million tons, 31 enterprises eliminated backward alcohol facilities with a total capacity of 487,000 tons, 4 enterprises eliminated backward monosodium glutamate facilities with a total capacity of 83,800 tons, 3 enterprises eliminated backward citric acid facilities with a total capacity of 35,500 tons, 58 enterprises eliminated backward tanning facilities with a total capacity of 4.879 million pieces of leather, 144 enterprises eliminated backward dyeing and printing facilities with a total capacity of 1.99 billion meters and 13 enterprises eliminated backward facilities with a total capacity of 349,800 tons.    

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1.1.4            污染物减排


1.1.4 Pollutant Reduction

In 2001, highway and waterway chemical oxygen demand emission reduced by 1.6% over the previous year and sulfur dioxide emission fell by 3.0% over the previous year. In 2011, comprehensive energy consumption per unit national railway transport volume was 4.76 tons of coal equivalent/million converted ton-kilometer, a decrease of 0.25 ton of coal equivalent/million converted ton-kilometer by 5.0% over the previous year. Additionally, comprehensive energy consumption per unit national main business transport volume was 3.90 tons of coal equivalent/ million converted ton-kilometer, a decrease of 0.22 ton of coal equivalent/million converted ton-kilometer by 5.3% over the previous year.

[此贴子已经被作者于2012-11-13 11:01:04编辑过]

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在“十一五”期间,福彩3D工业总能源消耗逐年增加,从2005年的16.87亿吨标准煤增加到2010年的23110亿吨标准煤,从2005年的70.9%上升到2010年的73%。上海快3在社会能源消费中所占的比例。其中,钢铁,有色金属,北京快3建材,石化工程和电力等六个高耗能行业的能源消耗从2005年的71.3%上升到2010年的77% 。相反,工业增加值占国内生产总值的比例从2005年的41.8%下降到2010年的40.2%,六个高耗能行业的增加值从2005年的32.7%下降到2010年的30.3%工业增加值。

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