The first word ismutual trust. Asia on the whole enjoys stability with relations between countriesgrowing steadily. Of course, there is the need for some neighbors to furtherenhance trust and dispel misgivings. Asian countries enjoy bright prospects forwin-win cooperation. Let us take forward our maritime cooperation withconfidence and sincerity. And through building the Maritime Silk Road, we candeepen our mutual trust and work together to maintain peace and development inthe region.
Let me reiteratehere that as the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road focuses mainly on economic andpeople-to-people cooperation, it will not, in principle, involve issues ofcontroversy. The “Belt and Road” initiative is consistent with the principlesof China’s neighborhood diplomacy, namely, affinity, sincerity, mutual benefitand inclusiveness. The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is by no means a toolfor any country to seek geopolitical advantages. Rather, it is a public goodfor all countries. It will tolerate no monopoly or coercion of whatever form.Rather, everyone is equally treated while business is conducted throughconsultation.
The second word isconnectivity. Countries along the Belt and Road differ in national conditionsand vary greatly in level of maritime development and protection. It is neitherrealistic nor advisable to measure them against the same set of ideas, plansand model of cooperation. One of the original features of the 21st CenturyMaritime Silk Road is its much stressed connectivity. It is not about one partyaccepting the plan made by another or one party following the rules set byanother. It is instead an exercise of looking for common ground and areas ofcooperation on the basis of mutual respect, leading to the formulation of ajoint plan.
Connectivity isneeded in many areas. Take connectivity of development strategies for example.President Joko Widodo of Indonesia has talked about building a maritime powerwith a maritime highway. This is very much in line with the 21st CenturyMaritime Silk Road initiative. Maritime cooperation, therefore, is becoming anew engine for the bilateral cooperation between China and Indonesia. The 21stCentury Maritime Silk Road can also be aligned with the blueprints for theASEAN Community.
Next, with respectto project and enterprise matching. Quite a few Asian and European countriesare stepping up port and infrastructure development, expanding shipping,fishing and fish processing industries and planning industrial parks, specialzones, bonded areas and free trade zones near their ports. There are many suchprojects in the pipeline and with good market prospects. Chinese companies haveboth experience and capability in these fields. We suggest that our governmentsfacilitate business partnerships by helping our enterprises to match up theirprojects so that they can complement each other while sharing risks and gains.
There is also aneed for institutional connectivity. The region already abounds with bilateraland multilateral mechanisms and platforms on maritime cooperation. In additionto Boao Forum for Asia, we have ASEAN Plus China, APEC, ESCAP and so on. It isnecessary to enhance communication and coordination among these mechanisms soas to improve integration of resources and collaboration on the basis of properdivision of labor.
The third word isearly harvest. Only when countries along the route reap the benefit from thedevelopment of the Maritime Silk Road at an early date will they become moreenthusiastically involved. China hopes to work with countries along the routein identifying some demonstration projects, getting them started onceconditions are ripe so that results can be gained at an early date. China isready to work with ASEAN countries to conclude without delay aninter-governmental cooperation document on jointly building the Maritime SilkRoad, and start to draw up cooperation plans and identify key cooperationprojects.
This year is theYear of China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation. China and ASEAN countries will carryout practical cooperation on marine economy, maritime connectivity, marinescience research and environmental protection, safety and security, andcultural and people-to-people exchanges on the sea. We will open a China-ASEANmaritime cooperation center, set up a China-ASEAN maritime emergency helpline,and launch the China-ASEAN Ocean College. Today, we are gathered here to launchthe Year of Maritime Cooperation and kick off the year’s events. We hope thatmaritime cooperation will become yet another new highlight and a new engine forthe growing China-ASEAN relations and the all-dimensional maritime cooperationbetween China and ASEAN will become a model for the development of the 21stCentury Maritime Silk Road.
This morning,President Xi pointed out in his speech at the Boao Forum for Asia Annualconference 2015 that the “Belt and Road” initiative follows the principles ofwide consultations, joint contribution and shared benefits. It will be a real choruscomprising all countries along the routes and represents real work that can beseen and felt. It is bringing and will continue to bring tangible benefits tocountries in the region. We look forward to seeing more friends join in thebuilding of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road in various ways. I sincerelyhope and truly believe that all of us will seize this opportunity and work inconcert towards the promising prospects of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.
Thank you.