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英剧迷不可不知的常用英式俚语  发贴心情 Post By:2015/7/28 14:39:37


Britons often use slang  especially withfriends. A lot of these words are shared with other English-speaking countries,but many are unique to the British Isles. To help you cotton on (slang for"understand") here are somecommon words you may hear in the UK



Alright?  Hello. How areyou? 你好

Hiya, Aye up  These informalgreetings both mean Hello and are especially popular in the north of England.The aye is pronounced like the letter A


Howay  Let's go or Comeon. 走吧

Ta  Thank you 谢谢

Cheers  This is usuallysaid as a toast when you raise your glasses to celebrate, but it also meansThank you



Bairn  Baby or youngchild 小孩子

Lad  Boy 男孩

Lass, Lassie  Girl 女孩

Bloke, Chap  Man 男人

Mate, Pal  Friend 朋友、伙计

Our kid  My brother or mysister 我的兄弟或姐妹

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  发贴心情 Post By:2015/7/28 14:40:21

Don't be confused if someone calls you pet, duck,sweetie, love, chicken, chuck, chucky-egg or sunshine. People in the UK oftenuse these terms when they are addressing other people as a sign of friendlinessand affection. It is usually not appropriatefor younger people to use theseterms with older people, however



Do  Party. You wouldgo to a do if you were going to a party in the UK

  派对、聚会。在英国,参加派对就是"go to a do"

BYOB  Bring your ownbottle. In the UK, it is common for the party host to ask guests to bring theirown drinks. You might see BYOB written on the invitation


Cuppa  Cup of tea 一杯茶

Pissed  Americans maythink this means upset. But in the UK it is the equivalent of being drunk

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  发贴心情 Post By:2015/7/28 14:41:03



E.g., "Is he pissed?"他是不是喝醉了?

Fancy  To find someoneattractive 觉得某人迷人

E.g., "He just smiled. I think he fanciesyou!"


Ask out  To ask someone ifthey want to go on a date 邀请某人外出约会

E.g., "He asked me out! We're going to the cinemathis Friday."


Chat up  To flirt withsomeone 和某人调情

E.g., "He was chatting me up at the party."


Snog  To kisspassionately 热吻

E.g., "My dad and mum were snogging at theiranniversary party. I didn't know where to look."


Chin-wag  Talk or gossipwith friends 和朋友闲聊、八卦

E.g., "Fancy a chin-wag?"想聊聊吗?


Quid  Equal to 1. The word doesn't change in the plural, so 50 is fifty quid

  一英镑。这个词没有复数形式,所以50英镑就是fifty quid

Skint, Broke  Poor or lackingmoney 很穷、没钱

E.g. "I can't come to the restaurant as I'm skintthis week."


Minted, Rolling in it  Rich 有钱

E.g. "It was my birthday last week and I got somemoney off my family, so I am minted now!"

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  发贴心情 Post By:2015/7/28 14:41:28



Splashing out  Spending a lot ofmoney 花大笔钱

That's as cheap as chips  That is very cheap 非常便宜

That costs a bomb  That is tooexpensive 太贵了

That's a rip-off  That is not worththe price 抢钱呢吧

Cough up!  Pay your share ofthe bill! 快掏钱付你自己那份账单!


Brolly  Umbrella 雨伞

Telly  Television. Somepeople also say "What's on the box?" to mean "What's onTV?"电视。一些人也说"What's on the box?",表示电视上在演什么。

Loo  Toilet 厕所

Mobile  Mobile telephone.It is unusual to say cellphone in the UK。手机。在英国说cellphone会很奇怪。


Bloody  One of the mostuseful swear words in British English. Mostly used as an exclamation ofsurprise e.g. "bloody hell".Something may be "bloodymarvelous" or "bloody awful". It is also used to emphasizealmost anything, e.g. "you're bloody mad", "not bloodylikely"

  英国英语里最有用的脏话。多用于表达惊讶之情,如bloody hell(该死、见鬼、我的天)。某事物可以是bloody marvelous(超赞的),也可以是bloody awful(糟糕透了)。它还以用来强调几乎任何事情,如you're bloody mad(你简直疯了)not bloody likely(没门儿)

In the UK, you may hear people use the slang terms"well", "dead" or "mega" instead of"very" or "really". For example, "It was deadgood" or "That exam was well difficult!"

  在英国,你可能会听见人们使用俚语用法的welldeadmega来代替very或者really。如It was dead good(棒极了),或That exam was well difficult(考试好难。)

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